10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (2024)

Curious about the most talkative cat breeds?

Then you’re in the right place!

Below, we’re highlighting ten kitties that absolutely love a good chat.

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (1)

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Unlike dogs, cats aren’t known to be particularly vocal.

However, there exist many vocal cat breeds that do more than mewing or meowing.

These breeds produce interesting vocals like chirping and even yowling. Some have such a wide repertoire of sounds that you can train them to “speak.”

This comprehensive guide provides a list of the most vocal breeds.

What Breed of Cat is Very Vocal?

So, what cats talk the most?

Well, the Siamese cat is probably the most vocal. It ranks high on the “speech” scale with the Bengal and Tonkinese.

But you’ve probably come across various cat breeds that aren’t considered highly vocal, yet they seem to be quite chatty. Something like a Manx cat.

So, are Manx cats talkative?

Unfortunately, no. Manx cats are only moderately talkative.

However, since each individual cat can have varied personality traits, regardless of the breed, you’re sure to find some talkative Manx cats.

Another interesting assumption is that cats with certain colors tend to be talkative.

Hence, quite a number of people ask, “Why do black cats talk so much?

It all depends on the breed – not the color – as you can see from the following black cats:

  • Ragamuffin and Persian cats are typically silent
  • A Sphynx is only slightly talkative
  • Bombay cats are moderately talkative
  • Oriental cats are super chatty

Curious? Check the least vocal cat breeds!

1. Siamese

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (2)

According to the Humane Society of Huron Valley, Oriental breeds like the Siamese are known to be particularly chatty cat breeds.

In their native Thailand, these cats are called “wichien maat,” meaning “moon diamond.”

Not only are the cats super talkative, but also intelligent and affectionate. They enjoy human company and form strong bonds with their owners.

Don’t be surprised to find your cat following you everywhere you go.

These felines can walk on a leash just like dogs, and even get along with dogs and other cats.

You’ll also have lots of fun with your cat, since he enjoys fetching and running agility courses.

2. Oriental

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (3)

Just like the Siamese, Oriental shorthaired cats are very loud.

The purring of these cats even sounds like a Mack truck.

They can get even louder, with a raspy voice, and they’ll keep at it until you give them the attention they crave.

Apart from the colorful vocalization, Orientals also come in more than 600 colors, patterns, and coat length combinations. That’s why they are called Rainbow Cats.

It doesn’t stop there.

Orientals have an equally colorful personality. You’ll never have a dull moment in your life with this breed in your home.

3. Tonkinese

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (4)

Tonkinese cats have a powerful purr that you’ll notice instantly.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association reveals that they can be quite incessant in their speech.

They’ll keep at it until they get your undivided attention. And you better listen up; otherwise, your pet will find a different way to get your attention.

This is one cat that has both puppy and monkey characteristics: extremely playful and very acrobatic.

And, yes, a Tonkinese can play fetch or indoor tag. When visitors come, he’ll be first to greet them with plenty of chatter.

Being a highly sociable breed, this feline gets along with children, other cats, and even dogs.

So, make sure not to leave him alone, and instead have two of them to keep each other company.

4. Javanese

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (5)

The parent breeds of the Javanese breed are the Balinese, Siamese, and Colorpoint Shorthair.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that the Javanese breed is quite talkative.

However, these cats use their speech selectively: when they need to communicate something.

You’ll also come to learn the cats’ different voice variations are based on what they want to say.

Just like the parent breeds, this feline is active, playful, extremely affectionate, and intelligent.

A Javanese will fall in love with you and always want to be around you either on your lap, shoulder, or bed.

Best of all, you can teach the feline to fetch, find treats in pockets, and do other tricks.

5. Bengal

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (6)

Bengals are well known for being very active, and noisy.

That’s because of the feline’s feral lineage.

Fortunately, Bengals aren’t difficult to handle as people may assume. In fact, the reverse is true; since breeders insist that you can tame Bengals easily.

They certainly have an affectionate personality, although not your typical lap cat.

This cat enjoys human company, often staying close to his family members.

And kids will surely love the feline because of his energetic nature, meaning that he loves playing games.

Unlike most other cats, Bengals enjoy swimming and will get in the shower or bath with you.

There’s no end to the playful nature of this cat.

So you need to provide plenty of play time with the right toys; rather than letting him create his own adventures in your home.

6. Burmese

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (7)

Generally, Burmese cats are soft-spoken. However, they will make their voices heard loud and clear when they need something.

This feline’s vocalization is quite pleasant. It’s something you’re sure to enjoy when the feline is showing affection.

What type of voice can be so enjoyable?

Well, it’s a soft, sweet-sounding, and slightly raspy voice. In return for giving you that sweet lullaby sound, the cat loves to receive lots of cuddles.

You may prefer the vocalization of this cat, if you want a talkative breed that isn’t too loud.

Despite being a calm creature, the Burmese is quite playful too.

7. Singapura

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (8)

Unofficially, the tiniest cat breed, the Singapura weighs between 4 – 8 pounds.

What’s even more amazing is this tiny kitty can roar loudly to get your attention. Well, maybe not the loudest roar; but on a scale of 1 to 5, the cat’s chattiness ranks number 4, according to VCA Animal Hospitals.

In the 9 – 15 years of this feline’s life, you’re sure to have many memorable experiences with him.

The cat likes walking across your computer keyboard just to get your attention.

And he loves to hear the sound of his own voice while walking all over your keyboard.

For such small creatures, Singapuras are packed full of energy.

They are extremely energetic, and athletic, thriving on doing things rather than napping.

Check other smooshed face cat breeds!

8. American Bobtail

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (9)

The American Bobtail is another cat that not only likes to talk, but you can also train to walk on a leash.

Evidently, that’s partly why the breed is often compared to a dog.

This intelligent, active, and affectionate cat loves sitting on your lap and being petted.

Since the Bobtail loves to play games, he’s certainly great with children. The cat loves adults too, and when you arrive home he will meet you at the door.

If you’re thinking of keeping your pet at home when you go to work, make sure the doors are cat proof.

9. Ocicat

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (10)

An Ocicat definitely looks like a wild cat.

Fortunately, this breed’s personality does not reflect a wild cat.

There’s a lot you can do with Ocicats, including training them to fetch toys, walking them on a leash, teaching them to follow commands, and even teaching them to “speak.”

This feline has many dog traits, apart from being intelligent, confident, and outgoing.

Ocicats are typically loyal and devoted to their owners.

They don’t like to be left alone for long; therefore, consider providing a feline companion (preferably another Ocicat).

Your kids are sure to love playing with this energetic breed.

10. Maine Coon

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (11)

This is a super large breed; so, it’s no surprise that the longest domestic cat in the world is a Maine Coon.

The “Gentle Giant” is quite talkative. You’ll have no shortage of interesting topics to chat with your favorite pet.

What is surprising is the cat won’t produce thunderous meows as you may expect from a large feline.

Instead, she’ll give out a distinctive melodic chirping trill.

It’s almost as if the cat is constantly asking questions, with an inflection rising at the end of each trill.

Having a Maine Coon is much like having another dog in the family, because of the size.

Are Tabby Cats Talkative?

Apart from specific cat breeds, you may wonder about other categories of cats like tabby cats.

Since Tabby cats aren’t really a specific breed, but a group of cat breeds with a similar coat pattern, you have to consider the characteristics of each breed.

The Tabby pattern, which often has an “M” shaped marking on the head just above the eyes, is seen across various purebred and mixed breed cats, including:

  • Maine Coon, Oriental, Ocicat, and Abyssinian: these are very talkative felines
  • American Shorthair, and American Curl: these are typically quiet breeds

Why is My Cat so Talkative?

Perhaps, your cat isn’t a talkative breed, yet he keeps yapping all the time.

If the talkative behavior is unusual, you may have to investigate the reason why.

According to the Humane Society of Huron Valley, some reasons behind a cat’s unusual talkative behavior may be:

  • Medical problems: your pet vocalizing may be a symptom of illness
  • Attention-seeking: your cat may need company
  • Grief: your pet may be affected by the loss of someone/ another pet who was close to him
  • Transition: changing locations can upset your cat momentarily

From the tiny Singapura to the ginormous Maine Coon, the most talkative cat breeds come in all shapes and sizes.

So, if you’re looking for a vocal kitty to keep you company, you should have no trouble finding the perfect fit!

Remember, adopt; don’t shop. You’ll find many of these beautiful breeds in shelters all around the country.

Ben Roberts

Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all around geek. He divides his love equally between his family, his animals, and his video games. In his spare time he is attempting to get a blog off the ground. Boy, are they heavy!

10 Most Talkative Cat Breeds: (Chatty Kitties) (2024)


What cat breed is most talkative? ›

The Siamese is one of the most vocal cat breeds, but others include the Japanese Bobtail and the Oriental. If you're looking for a feline who will engage you in intelligent conversation, explore our list of talkative cat breeds below.

What are talkative cats? ›

Oriental breeds, such as the Siamese, are known to be very vocal. If your cat has a pointed face and a long, lean body, chances are she has some oriental heritage, so "talking" may be a part of her character.

Is a talkative cat good? ›

A sudden increase in vocalizing, especially in an older cat, may be an indication that he is sick. Cats do a good job of hiding their illnesses; often a behavior change is the first sign that there is something wrong. Take your cat to your veterinarian for a thorough physical examination to make sure he is healthy.

Are talkative cats happy? ›

Cats can be very vocal, especially when they're happy. Vocal kitties may have long conversations with you, and the pitch of their meow will allude to how they are feeling. A high-pitched meow is a content cat, while a low-pitched meow may indicate an unhappy or annoyed kitty.

Are all cats chatty? ›

While some cats rarely make a peep, others won't let you get a word in edgewise. Kittens who are handled often and well socialized may turn into more vocal adults and certain breeds, like Siameses and Abyssinians, are loquacious by nature. Cats can also become increasingly vocal as they age.

Are Russian blue cats talkative? ›

Russian blues can be very vocal, but are generally soft-spoken and will talk in quiet meows to let you know they need food, water, or attention.

Which cat meows a lot? ›

Bear in mind that some breeds of cats, notably the Siamese, are prone to excessive meowing and yowling. These are the most common reasons why cats meow: To greet people. Your cat can be expected to meow in greeting when you come home, when she meets up with you in the house and when you speak to her.

Are Bengal cats talkative? ›

Bengal cats:

Another breed that loves cuddles with their owners, Bengals can be very noisy as well, because they love to chat. In fact, they can be extremely loud and talkative with their owners, communicating with chirps, meows, purrs and yowls, and they love it when their owners start a conversation with them!

Are orange cats talkative? ›

They are also chatty kitties. Orange tabbies are known to be quite talkative. All orange cats are tabbies, but not all tabbies are orange.

Why is my cat so talkative to me? ›

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Some cats '“talk” because they know they'll get a reaction. People may talk back, put out some food, put up and pick up the cat, or even pick the animal up and temporarily “lock” her in another room. All of these responses will encourage an attention-seeking cat.

Are female cats talkative? ›

There's no rule of thumb about whether male or female cats are louder or more talkative.

Why is my cat very vocal? ›

A stressed cat. Cats that are experiencing stress often become more vocal. A new pet or baby, a move or changes to the home, an illness or the loss of a loved one can turn your cat into a talker.

How do you tell if a cat likes you? ›

Here are nine signs your cat loves you:
  1. Your kitty purrs around you. ...
  2. They sit on you. ...
  3. You've seen the 'slow blink' ...
  4. You have a sleeping buddy. ...
  5. They bring you gifts. ...
  6. Head bumping happens. ...
  7. You're being followed. ...
  8. You've seen your cat's belly, a lot.
Mar 16, 2022

Why do cats lick you? ›

Licking is not only a grooming mechanism but also a way cats show that they love you. Your cat is creating a social bond by licking you, other cats, or pets. This sign of affection may stem from kittenhood when your cat's mother licked them to groom them and show care and affection.

How does a cat say thank you? ›

Purring: Cats often purr when they are content and happy.

When a cat is receiving attention or affection from their human, it may purr as a way to express its appreciation.

Do male or female cats talk more? ›

Q: Do female cats meow more than male cats? A: Not necessarily. However, intact cats (those who are not spayed or neutered) can be very vocal during breeding season.

What is the most outgoing cat? ›

Sphynx. The instantly recognizable Sphynx is actually among the friendly breeds with the best personalities. These furless felines have great personalities and love to chatter at their pet parents. They're considered one of the most extroverted of all cat breeds, and will usually greet both their family and strangers.

Which cat breed is calmer? ›

It's worth noting that the ragdoll breed is Lindsay Butzer's, DVM and PetMeds partner, number one pick when it comes to the calmest cat breeds. "Ragdolls are a lazy and docile cat breed who aren't good hunters," she lovingly says.


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.